Loaded 7, also known as Creloaded is a both free and payable ecommerce platforma. This platform is designed for laptops, tablets and smartphones. Using this platform, you are always aware of the sales you registerand you can make changes to your online store even when you are not in front of your laptop or computer.

With Loaded 7 you have full control over orders and databases. Your customers have access to order history, can change their password and subscribe to your newsletter. One aspect to consider is that you can create different groups of customers and can establish promotions and discounts for each group.

Other benefits that Loaded 7 can provide are:

- unlimited products and categories;
- search filters;
- multiple currencies;
- social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube);
- multiple images to each product;
- technical support - through email or chat;
- user-friendly interface;
- revenue, customers and products reports;
- SEO friendly - you can customize your products and categories links;
- you can include YouTube video to any product.

DirektHost offers fast professional support for Loaded 7 when our clients need it. We provide free support for small issues. For other issues like customization, module or other extensions installation our customers can request our professional paid support!

osCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms that allows online store management. It is a free platform with a GNU General Public Licence. osCommerce was launched in March 2000 in Germany. The platform is translated in multiple languages and it provides technical support in German, English, French, Dutch and Spanish. If in 2008 osCommerce was used by 14.000 merchants, now over 260,000 store owners are using it.

If you want to invest in an online store, osCommerce is a solution to consider. Here are the most important benefits that the platform offers:

- the owner is in full control over the online store management with minumum effort;
- is using PhP and MySQL;
- multiple payment and shipping methods;
- easy to instal nd manage;
- it is translated in multiple languages;
- in order to provide a more pleasant naviation experience to its customers, new updates are available periodically;
- different support methods;
- it is user-friendly;
- a large number of products can be added;
- multiple currency;
- bestseller list (per category or globaly).

osCommerce is a platform to consider when you want to start developing a virtual shop or to integrate it into an existing website. DirektHost offers fast professional support for osCommerce when our clients need it. We provide free support for small issues. For other issues like customization, module or other extensions installation our customers can request our professional paid support!

Magento is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms worldwide. The platform was launched in March 2008 under the name Bento. Because Bento was already taken by FileMarker Inc., its founders decided to change the name to Magento, a combination between "Bento" and "Mage". Based on its flexibility, Magento has quickly become more popular in the e-commerce world. Now, over 240,000 merchants use Magento.

Depending of the size of the business, Magento has three different platforms: Magento Go (for small businesses), Magento Community (open-source) and Magento Enterprise (for large businesses).

The most important features that Magento is providing are:
- multiple payment gateways (PayPal, Gecad ePayment etc.);
- the ability to create customer groups;
- set filters by category;
- easy to use and to manage;
- multiple ways of calculating the price (per piece, color, size etc.);
- review option;
- creating and sending newsletters from the admin panel;
- Google site map;
- flexible pricing system;
- the ability to manage multiple websites from one Administration Panel;
- translated into over 60 languages.

DirektHost offers fast professional support for Magento when our clients need it. We provide free support for small issues. For other issues like customization, module or other extensions installation our customers can request our professional paid support!

Lately, the number of ecommerce platforms has increased considerably. This can be beneficial to users because they have more options to choose from, but at the same time it makes it hard for them to make a decision. The more options, the more complicated it is for you to decide on one.

PrestaShop is an online shop platform used by over 170,000 online stores worldwide. The platform was launched in August 2007 in France (Paris) by its founders Igor Schlumberger and Bruno Leveque. PrestaShop is perfect for small and medium enterprises and it can be translated in 63 languages, but provides full support only in English, French, Russian, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Polish.

The main PrestaShop benefits are:
- you can find out more information about your customers: who are they, where they come from;
- you can discover the days that you registered the most sales;
- easy to use, no technical knowledge required;
- multiple themes;
- unlimited languages;
- multiple features.

DirektHost offers fast professional support for PrestaShop when our clients need it. We provide free support for small issues. For other issues like customization, module or other extensions installation our customers can request our professional paid support!