Regardless of the solutions our customers have chosen from our portfolio, we are able to provide speed, safety and reliability to each and every customer.
Our clients can choose for their sites to be hosted on Europe and North America. This way, every customer can achieve the best possible performance for their website visitors.
The location of a server can bring multiple benefits to the website owner. The strategic location of our servers helps us reduce the number of nodes in the network connection that links the server and the world. Every website visitor can enjoy the safer and fastest browsing experience.
With over 3000 businesses hosted on our servers, we decided to divide our complex web hosting services into nine different websites: - Active since 2004, DirektHost has been developing with technology and with the users’ requirements through constant investment in Internet performance equipment that can provide the best uptime traffic.
DirektVps- the DirektHost subdivision dedicated to VPS hosting services. If you have extraordinary technical skills you can choose either our unmanaged VPS server packages or the unmanaged SSL VPS package. There is also a solution for those clients that don't have the time or knowledge needed to manage their website - they can opt for a managed VPS or managed SSD VPS package.
DirektVpn - You want to have access to movies, websites or YouTube channels that are not available in your country? You can do that with DirektVpn. It is completely safe and the best thing is that you don't leave any Internet footprint!
DirektServers - high performance even for websites with a high consumption of resources. If you are passionate about playing online games, then you must choose a professional game server. Companies that send an insane amount of emails per day can also find e best email server solution that can support complet email marketing actions.
DirektCloud - effective and secure cloud services for all business types and sizes. You can choose the best cloud hosting, cloud backup or cloud email solution for your online business.
DirektSSL - dedicated to Secure Socket Layer (SSL) solutions. These represents the standards security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a browser and a web server.
DirektHost provides professional hosting services also in Romania. This is why we created three different websites:
SpeedHost - web hosting services provided at a national level.
BugetHost - professional web hosting services at low prices.
BanatHost - web hosting services dedicated to businesses from the Western part of Romania